Wednesday, November 25, 2009

New York department stores holiday displays!

One of my favorite things about the Holidays in New York City is the holiday window displays at all the department stores. This year, be sure to check out these major department stores and the neat and creative themes they've picked. All different but fun in their own respective ways, these displays will surely make you feel giddy inside like a kid again.
  • Barneys New York: Forget tinsel and snow-covered Christmas trees, for Barneys this holidays, it's Saturday night! Two dozen "Saturday Night Live" favorites have been transformed into life-sized ornaments to hang in the Madison Avenue windows. Faves include Will Ferrell as Janet Reno and Mike Myers as Linda from "Coffee Talk." The concept behind the window displays is that the quirky characters would be people you would see at those awkward yet fun family holiday parties.
  • Bergdorf Goodman: Inspired by the imaginative works of Lewis Carroll, author of "Alice in Wonderland" and "Through The Looking Glass," the theme of the display is "Compendium of Curiosities," which features scenes that are both over-the-top and obsessive in their construction. For example, a library scene is made entirely of intricately cut pieces of paper. Another display of winding staircases is made of antique wood and finally, a third contains murals made from shattered and reassembled Venetian mirrors.
  • Macy's: Inspired by the movie, "Miracle on 34th Street," this classic story tells the tale of Santa Claus in its window displays and honors the theory that miracles do happen!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

New York Comedy Festival - November 4-8, 2009

It's not often that popular comedians join forces together to put on a show or two. So when I heard that there was going to be 5 days of various stand-up comic shows from people like Ricky Gervais, Tracy Morgan and Andy Samberg, I was thrilled. The New York Comedy Festival, in association with Comedy Central, is a series of large-scale shows taking place at venues all across New York City on November 4-8. More than 150 comedians, including several star comedians, are expected to perform over the course of the festival at venues like Carnegie Hall, Town Hall, and Madison Square Garden. Here are the highlights of the festival:

November 4:
"STAND UP FOR HEROES" a special benefit presented by NYCF and the Bob Woodruff Foundation at Town Hall featuring Bruce Springsteen and Stephen Colbert.

November 5:
DANE COOK "Dane Cook and Friends" at Madison Square Garden, 7:00pm
RICKY GERVAIS "Out of England II" at Carnegie Hall, 8:00pm

November 6
TRACY MORGAN "Tracy Morgan's Hard Knock Life" at Carnegie Hall, 8:00pm
ARTIE LANGE "Artie Lange Live" at Beacon Theatre, 7:30pm

November 7
MIKE EPPS "The Mike Epps Is Rottin' in the Apple Comedy Show" at Beacon Theatre, 8:00pm
PATTON OSWALT "Patton Oswalt Live" at Town Hall, 8:00pm

November 8
BILL MAHER "An Evening with Bill Maher" at Avery Fisher Hall, 7:00pm
ANDY SAMBERG "Andy Samberg and Friends Live from Town Hall" at Town Hall, 8:00pm

For more information on the line-up and to buy tickets, visit

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fashion's Night Out on September 10th!

As part of NYC's plan to help stimulate the economy in the city and boost consumer confidence, the City of New York paired up with Vogue, NYC & Company and the Council of Fashion Designers of America to create Fashion's Night Out 2009 - A Global Celebration of Fashion. 

The night falls on the first night of New York Fashion Week, which will bring several festivities, complimentary gifts and celebrity in-store appearances to stores across all 5 boroughs. In addition, over 700 stores and designer retailers will stay open late (until 10 or 11 PM). Thirteen other countries around the world, including the United Kingdon, Italy, Japan and Brazil are to take part in the incentive to create evening events in their respective fashion capitals. 

This event is certainly not something to be missed - it is rare to see the designers unite with their city in such a public manner. But this sense of unification between designers, the city and its consumers is a rather exciting one, and I am ecstatic to see the way Fashion's Night Out unravels come the second week of September. 

Tickets or invites are not needed to enjoy the festivities of the night. 

To read more about Fashion's Night Out, visit the website at 

- Sabina for AMP3 Public Relations

Monday, August 10, 2009

Remember those days when arcade games were only 25 cents a play?

One of my favorite, yet relatively unknown museums in the area, The Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria, Queens, just opened up an exhibition today featuring 14 classic video games in their original arcade version. The games - which range from Nintendo favorite Donkey Kong to classics like Ms. Pac-Man and Space Inavders - are on rotating display and available for play in the musuem's "Interacting with the Screen" section. Aspiring gamers can get 4 tokens for a mere $1 in order to play the games and there will be daily talks by educators about early video game technology. The exhibit is opened until October 1st, so if there is a day where you're feeling like you need to channel your inner kid or you're feeling nostalgic for your childhood, this exhibit should be a nice trip down memory lane. Chomp away, Pac-Man fans. 

- Sabina for AMP3 Public Relations

Monday, August 3, 2009

Summer Film Series in the City

A major highlight of spending summer in the city is all the outdoor film series that take place around Manhattan - and Brooklyn too. Although the end of summer is only a mere month away, there’s still time to check out some of the series located at various parks. With the prices of movie theater tickets rising to as high as $20, this is definitely a cheap, fun way to relax and watch movies in the New York City summer breeze.

1)  HBO Bryant Park Summer Film Festival – The most well known film series in the city, hundreds of NYC dwellers cram into Bryant Park to see some favorite classic movies such as The Magnificent Seven and Third Encounters of the Close Kind. But make sure you get there early - the lawn usually fills up by 6 PM. Every Monday at sunset until Aug 17. Lawn opens 5PM.

2) Central Park Film Festival – Central Park seems to offer everything from Shakespeare in the Park music at SummerStage. And now for 5 nights in mid-August, films like Sex and the City and Oceans’ 11 will be shown in the park (Rumsey Playfield to be exact), with a viewer’s choice pick shown on Saturday the 22nd.  Aug 18–22 at 8PM; gates open 6PM. Enter at Fifth Ave and 69th St.

3) Movies with a View – Head over to the park near Brooklyn Bridge on a Thursday evening where not only will films like Edward Scissorhands will be shown, but music and short films will be present as well. And all of this is back-dropped against an incredible view of Manhattan at night. Empire–Fulton Ferry State Park. Every Thursday at sunset until Aug 27.

      4) River Flicks – Showing movies every Wednesday and Friday at Hudson River Park, moviegoers can expect a plethora of choices, from Tropic Thunder to Ghostbusters. Even better – the popcorn is FREE! Wednesday: Pier 54 at 14th St at the Hudson River. Friday: Pier 46 at Charles St at the Hudson River  Every Wednesday and Friday at sunset until Aug 21.

5) Summer on the Hudson - Movies Under the Stars – Showing more classic, yet timeless films, Riverside Park is a great place to see older movies that can be as fulfilling (but not at all as boring) as a history lesson. Pier 1 at W. 70th St at the Hudson River. Every Wednesday at 8:30PM until Aug 12. 


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Subway Smarts

(image from

I am not a subway expert. Anytime I need to go somewhere that's not along my work route, I'm on, getting directions, writing down what exit to take to leave the subway station, and drawing in a little map to help me out along the way. The times that I pick the subway car that will deposit me right in front of the exit are unexpectedly delightful. You don't get caught at the end of the line going through the turnstiles or waiting at the bottom of the steps for the traffic to move. Now, there's an app that addresses that:

Maps of Subway Platforms, Now on Your Mobile Phone

Props to Exit Strategy NYC, the brains behind this mobile app.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Things to do this Summer: Summerstage

When discussing the pantheon of cool things to do this summer - Restaurant Week, Summer Streets, Shakespeare in the Park - we must not omit Summerstage in Central Park!

Summerstage is held at Rumsey Field (between 72nd and 79th Street entrances off 5th Ave.). Many of the programs are FREE (well, they're going to ask you for donations every step of the way). Some of the concerts are benefits, like the Pretenders, Umphrey's McGee, and Cat Power. (which means you pay for a ticket, which in turn goes to support the full season of free programming). The line-up is a diverse schedule, with alternative rock, dance performances, movie nights, dance music, rap, hip hop, even kid-friendly programming. I highly recommend checking out Summerstage!

Here's what to know before you go:
1. Remember this is a field (turf) and not a stadium. Don't expect to sit in a seat. They have may bleachers, but those go quickly. Bring a blanket/towel to sit on.
2. If an act is playing that you really want to see, don't think you can just waltz in when the concert starts. Be prepared to wait in line!! I think Calle 13 and Chester French will draw huge crowds at their upcoming shows, which means people will be lining up early to see them...maybe as early as 11am for a 3pm show (doors open at 2pm). Just because there aren't assigned seats doesn't mean everyone will fit on to the field. You may have to wait in line after the show has started due to the field being 'at capacity'. When this happens, they'll let 50 people in once 50 people leave. Do you want to be stuck in line when the band you wanted to see is onstage??? The point is, the earlier you get there, the better chance you'll have of actually getting in to see the band.
3. They sell food at the field, so you can get a burger, fries and beer. But you're welcome to bring things in - just no alcohol or glass containers.

Summerstage is a lot of fun. You're missing out if you don't go.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Shakespeare in the Park Update!

Last Tuesday, I was lucky enough to win tickets from the virtual line to see the Twelfth Night at Shakespeare in the Park. I was soo happy I got to see the production. I highly recommend bookmarking the virtual line sign-in and checking in first thing everyday. That's been my strategy the past two summers and it got me into Hamlet and now, Twelfth Night. I loved the costumes, the set, the music, the really was a splendid evening. Plus it didn't rain! Anne Hathaway was great as Viola/Cesario. I thought she nailed her performance. Hamish Linklater as Andrew was a cartoon come to life, and I mean that in the best way possible! His delivery, gestures, posture - it all seemed so effortless! For me, a measure of whether I'm enjoying sometime like a show/movie/concert is how frequently I check my watch. I was so absorbed in enjoying the performance that time flew by (show started around 8:15pm, ended by 11:20pm, with maybe a 20 minute intermission). Also, I think I smiled the whole way home. Big thanks to the Public for creating such an fantastic show and offering tickets to New Yorkers for FREE! Is this city great or what?

You only have until July 12 to see this amazing show, so either go stand in line, or click here to sign up for the virtual line:

Here's what the NYT thought of the production, published last week:
I Love You, You're Perfect. You're A Girl?

FYI: There is absolutely no photography/use of cell phones/mobile devices. The ushers are very serious about this, so don't plan on taking pictures of the actors!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

NY Restaurant Week

Ok folks, mark your calendars because in less than a month it will be NY Restaurant Week!
Here's an NYT article with more information.

Here's a cute little clip featuring many of the chefs participating in Restaurant Week discussing their favorite meal:

arghhh.....anyone else hungry now?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Shakespeare in the Park

One of the great traditions of summers in New York is attending Shakespeare in the Park. The productions take place at Delacourt Theater in Central Park. The shows are organized by the Public Theater, and they usually manage to land some major talent. This summer's productions include Twelfth Night and The Bacchae. Anne Hathaway is taking a stab at Viola in Twelfth Night. I saw Hamlet last summer and I really enjoyed the experience. Watching great actors perform Shakespeare outdoors in a lush, green surrounding? Sounds good to me, especially since it's closer to my apartment than the Theater District. Tickets are FREE and you can find out more here.

Here's a little clip highlighting some things to do in Central Park:

Get inspired and get outside this summer! There are tons of free events happening this summer in New York. Don't get left out!

Monday, June 1, 2009

One-Upping Your Brunch

With the fluctuating temperatures that May presented us with, New Yorkers are collectively anticipating the summer sunshine and sweater-less freedom that June brings us. On weekends, higher temperatures bring the masses to the streets, primarily to restaurant patios where brunch becomes the event to plan all else around.

With a plethora of mimosa and bloody mary-infused brunch spots throughout the city, choosing where this weekend's festivities will ensue can be monotonous. Apart from the oh-so-cheap all you can drink brunches, some restaurants have recognized the need for diversity and have introduced unique ways to set their brunchtime spot apart from the rest. From variations on old cocktail classics to surroundings that make it hard to concentrate on the food, here are a couple of New York favorites that may just end up in this weekend's plans:

1. Boozy Bluegrass Brunch: With exceptional comfort food and your trusty bloody mary, this brunch at Nolita House is complete as your meal is accompanied by a four-person bluegrass band nestled in the corner of this small, often-packed spot. It kind of feels like a continuation of the previous night or as if you're in a house party with 50 of your closest friends.

2. Afternoon Tea...For Adults: Tea parties with your grandmother or like you had when you were a kid with your stuff animals don't compare to this...the rules have now changed. Double Crown introduces their Afternoon Tea--a few dozen oysters, finger sandwiches and your tea, over ice with cucumber, mint, and gin. Yes, gin.

3. The Manmosa: If you just so happen to venture outside of Manhattan for brunch (I know, it's a tough sell to leave the island), Gaslight Bar & Restaurant in Hoboken, NJ offers the "macho" version of the mimosa. A pint glass filled mixture of Blue Moon, orange juice and a shot of mandarin vodka. Men, raise your glasses.

4. Church: As long as you don't feel bad about imbibing at church, the Inside Park Terrace at St. Bart's Church is a pleasant escape in the middle of the city. With an outdoor terrace with umbrella-covered seating, this little gem feels like you're on vacation and is only open a few months of the year.

5. Passion Fruit Mimosa: Hell's Kitchen's own South African retreat, Braai lets the orange juice take a break and opts instead for passion fruit, champagne and orange puree. It may be hard to switch back to the standard once you've tried this one.

6. Strawberry Fields Forever: If you don't mind shelling out around forty bucks for a brunch buffet, the Beatles Brunch at B.B. King's Blues Club & Grill features Strawberry Fields, a Beatles tribute band that look and sound just like the originals. Every Saturday you can get your fill of not only eggs, bacon and fried chicken, but also all of your favorite Beatles classics.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

H&M Opens on the UES

Upper East Side recessionistas rejoice!  H&M, the famed cheap-chip Swedish import, is opening a new location on Lexington and 86th Street today.  Those who can stand the rain will receive H&M giftcards, ranging in value from $10 to $300, plus a free tee and a signed photo of Estelle.  You know, the British singer whose hit, "American Boy", features a little rapping by Kanye West?  The store opens at noon and the goodies are for the first 100 shoppers, so get going!  


H&M knows how to bring in the fashionistas.  Their limited edition designer (think Stella McCartney, Victor & Rolf, Karl Lagerfeld, Comme des Garcons) collections regularly produce sidewalk campouts and frenzied openings.  Since these kinds of things can get a little crazy, H&M has got security in place and velvet rope to prevent things from getting too chaotic.  The red carpet is a nice touch to brighten up a dreary day.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Burju Shoe Launch

Burju Shoes threw a fab launch party Tuesday night at Promenade nightclub. Burju Shoes is line of high-style fashion shoes that combine the comfort and support of salsa shoes. High fashion + salsa music = One incredible event!
The party was packed with revelers, eager to dance to salsa beats and check out the new line of shoes during the runway shows that happened throughout the night. The ladies, many of them dancers themselves, knew how to strut. I am happy to report that no models tripped while navigating the steps or sashaying down the "runway" - the stylish and supportive shoes they were wearing just wouldn't allow it! With the cocktails flowing and tasty appetizers at the bar, people had a great time whether they were on the dance floor grooving to the beat or just chilling out on the banquettes. Many of the ladies parked at the Shoe Salon, where they tried on some of the different styles on offer and placed orders for customized shoes for themselves! Kids and gents need not worry, Burju isn't solely for the ladies! But for those with summer weddings, or blisters from your Jimmy Choos, check out Burju Shoes (!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tribeca Film Festival

Tomorrow will kick off the 2009 Tribeca Film Festival. It runs April 22 through May 3. In addition to the stellar roster of films to preview, a number of free community events have been planned. There will be two free panel discussions, one about the art of screenwriting, the other about the business of film. The Tribeca Drive-In will host free screenings of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and P-Star Rising. The Family Festival Street Fair will be the place to be on May 2. There will be tons of activities for children, including dancers, stilt walkers, storytellers, face painters, live entertainment and food. Sportsfans may want to check out the Tribeca/ESPN Sports Day, also May 2, for interactive sports games and giveaways. Sounds like the Tribeca Film Festival has some really great events planned that everyone can enjoy. For more information, go to

I leave you with the trailer for "My Life in Ruins", the film that will be closing the Tribeca Film Festival. Man, Athens certainly looks beautiful compared to the dreary weather in NYC today. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tavern on the Green Central Park New York to get a new name!

Central Park's well placed restaurant Tavern on the Green is the #2 top earning restaurant in America, it has grossed a whopping $34,221,691 last year alone.

Their 25 Year old lease is set to expire this year on December 31st, and New York City is looking to get more than 3.5% of the money that Tavern on the Green Makes like the 16.5% that it gets from the Central Park Boat House.

The venue is a very nice place, and I have been to several upscale Events there, and I hope that it doesn't get completely ruined in the midst of this take over though their reputation is already pretty tarnished by quite a few bad reviews of their food and service.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Fun in NYC

Easter Fun in NYCEaster Fun in NYC starts with the NYC Easter Parade and Easter Bonnet Festival event. The parade celebrates the creativeness of all New York Bonnet builders.
The parade began in the 1800's where the NYC elite would attend religious Easter services then parade down 5th avenue in their Sunday best. Before Fashion week, New York City had the Easter parade to showcase the highest fashion of the day.
Yesterday the event was free and you were encouraged to wear your most silly fashion you could come up with. The Easter parade event runs down Fifth Avenue from 49th to 57th Streets. The area is closed to traffic for parade participants and onlookers from about 10 a.m. until 4 p.m.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Billiard Event New York

Billiard Event New YorkThe Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour will continue it’s 08/09 season at the Golden Cue, located in Albany New York. The NY event will take place on April 18 & 19 2009. $2000 has been added to the events prize fund.

New York Auto Show Event

New York Auto Show EventThe New York auto show event this year was scaled back by 30 percent. Theatrics and stunts were noticeably absent from this years NY event. A few people commented that this year's auto show was more business like, because of the lack of theatrics.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt New York

Easter Egg Hunt New YorkThere will be an Easter Egg Hunt in New York and Washington DC. With 6000 total eggs, 2000 will be hid in DC and 4000 will be hid in New York. The reason was obvious, "there's more people in New York."
The New York Easter Eggs will be hid in Union Square. It's too bad the prize inside will be a bit of a Debbie Downer Easter gift. The little plastic Easter Eggs will be filled with Toy Army Men and messages questioning the wisdom of escalating the Afghanistan War. (Insert Wah Wah noise here)
Anyway, an Easter Egg hunt in Union Square could be fun for the kiddie poos. You can buy them some candy after the event.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Havana Film Festival New York

Havana Film Festival New YorkThe Havana Film Festival in New York is scheduled for April 16 through April 23, 2009. There will be more than 40 Films from 12 Latin American Countries. The films will be from all genres and for all ages. New York events will be free and open to the public.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

New York City Ballet Event

New York City Ballet EventThe New York City Ballet Young Patrons Circle hosted an event last night at Ports 1961. The event was sponsored by Elle Magazine. The event opens the ballet’s spring 2009 season at Lincoln Center.

Peace March in New York City

Peace March in New York CityUnited for Peace and Justice march in New York City is scheduled for April 4th.

The Event schedule is as follows - Saturday, April 4, 2009 - Peace March will start at 12 noon. Demonstrators can gather at 11am on Franklin and White Streets between Broadway and Lafayette (South of Canal St).

What is this New York City event about according to the event planners? It's about carrying on Martin Luther King’s vision to replace war, racism and poverty with peace, equality and economic justice.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Empire State Games Event Canceled

Empire State Games Event CanceledEmpire State Games Event Canceled?? Maybe so. Governor Patterson cut the funding for the New York event, amongst a whole lotta other stuff. The Olympic style event was to be held in the Hudson Valley. There has not been any word from the New York state agency that organizes the event each year, but an official announcement is expected by the end of the week.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

New York April Fools Day Event

New York April Fools Day EventTomorrow at 12 noon, New York will begin its 24th annual April Fools Day parade down 5th Avenue. The April Fools Day parade starts at 5th Avenue and 59th street and continues all the way down to Union Square, where there is a big party with free peanut butter snacks. The parade exists because parade organizers feel most of us in New York fail to recognize the importance of April 1st, the day designated to commemorate the perennial folly of mankind.
A Bernie Madoff lookalike will be the Grandmaster of the event, followed by some floats of the infamous companies that have recently been in the news for destroying our economy.
I have been here 6 years and I've never heard of an April Fools Day Parade down 5th Avenue. I am skeptical, but don't let that stop you from attending.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Berlin Nightlife Event in New York City

Berlin Nightlife Event in New York CityBerlin Nightlife Event in New York City begins March 31st and ends April 2nd. The New York Event will be artists from New York and Berlin participating in a few events put on by the New Museum. This is all leading up to the 20 year anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. The weekend event is capped off at the Club APT. Music is by Super DJ Dmitri.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Kelly Pavlik vs. Arthur Abraham

Kelly Pavlik vs Arthur AbrahamKelly Pavlik vs. Arthur Abraham is a tentative boxing event that could happen November 7th at New York City's Madison Square Garden.
The New York Event date is tentative because both fighters have matches during the summer. Depending on how both fighters come out of those fights will be a if not the deciding factor on whether they will be ready to meet up on November 7th 2009 or not.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

New York Writers Event

New York Writers EventThe lineup for the annual World PEN Voices Festival of International Literature will be from April 27 through May 3 in New York. The New York Event will feature 160 writers from 40 different countries. Salmon Rushdie,George Soros and Paul Krugman will be a few of the notables in attendance. Click here for a full New York Event Schedule.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lincoln Centers New York Summer Events

Lincoln Centers New York Summer EventsLincoln Center has announced its 2009 New York Summer Events. The Lincoln Center Festival is just three weeks long, from July 7th to July 26th. This years event features 14 New York/American premiers and 56 performances by artists and groups from 14 countries.
My wife and I's favorite event is the free lessons from dance instructors, called A Mid Summers Night Swing. A Mid Summers Night Swing is located at Lincoln Center's Damrosch Park (62nd Street and Amsterdam Avenue) and live music begins at 7:30 - ends at 10:30 - and between the days of July 7 - 26 it's every Tuesday through Saturday. Click Here for all events times and dates.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

No JVC Jazz Event this year

No JVC Jazz Event this yearThere will probably not be a JVC Jazz Festival New York Event this year, even though representatives from the Festival Network, who have produced the show for 2 consecutive years now , say "it's on!"
But, booking agents and promoters say the economy is taking a big chunk out of everyone's hiring artist budget. Carnegie Hall will definitely host a few jazz performances in June, which is when the JVC Jazz Festival New York Event is supposed to be happening. Most people in the "Jazz Know" believe that 2 weeks at Caregie will be the extent of the New York JVC Jazz Festival this year. Read an article about it here.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Rewarding Meeting and Event Planners

Rewarding Meeting and Event Planners

The Renaissance Las Vegas Hotel is rewarding Meeting and Event Planners with a pretty mediocre payoff. The jackpot is something like, if you spend $15,000 throwing an event at their LasVegas Hotel, you get a Best Buy Gift Card worth $750. The contest is open to Event Planners from New York and the rest of the country.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

New York Event Planning !

New York Event Planning Blog!

A blog about events and event planning in New York City